Maintain and Develop Gesreya Fishing Port Study, Libya
PACER in cooperation with the Libyan Technical Consultancy Co. carried out numerical model and designs for Gesreya fishing port.
PACER Consultants’ scope of work included:
Preparation of modelling reports inclusive of construction recommendationsCollecting and analyzing weather and wave data to determine prevailing wave direction
Carrying out land survey and bathymetry
Carrying out the soil investigation for the proposed project area and preparing Geotechnical report; which includes the files
Studying alternatives to the port entrance and determining general layout of the port
Carrying out numerical models to study the wave height, distribution of alternatives, circulation and effect of construction of the port on shoreline change due to sediment transport
Design works (maritime, architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical designs) of marine works and service buildings of the port
Preparing project specifications and the bill of quantity of all the project items